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Team UCI

Team UCI

Partner companies


United Controls International 

UCI is based in the USA, and they have a 45+-year-old track record as a nuclear supplier. UCI maintains a 10 CFR 50 Appendix B program, as well as an NQA-1 and ISO 9001 2015 program. UCI is NUPIC and NIAC Audited. UCI has a modern laboratory in Atlanta, Georgia that has impressive capabilities. You can find out more about UCI with their website:

Team – Group

TEAM -Group is a global conglomerate. They operate companies from multiple different market sectors including defense, oil & gas, agriculture, finance, jewelry, and many more. TEAM-Group has expertise in numerous global markets, especially the Middle East. With multiple offices throughout the region, their established operations in Abu Dhabi and Dubai make the group an ideal partner.


Belhasa International is a group of businesses based in the United Arab Emirates. They specialize in a broad range of disciplines, yet their experience with Global Trading, Engineering, Construction, and Training makes them a valuable local partner to TEAM-UCI. You can find their website at


Partner Companies
